This is a chronic skin disease, the main target of which is the human face. The course of the disease is determined by the periods of increase and decrease of symptoms. The causes of this disease may be a genetic predisposition, an immune response to stimuli, the reaction of blood vessels to the same stimuli.

The main manifestation of the disease is hyperemia of the skin (overflow of local blood vessels), which visually looks like redness of the skin. Sometimes there is burning and tingling in places of redness, capillary mesh may appear. As the disease progresses, the deformation of the skin stops. Acne can manifest as inflamed bumps above the surface of the skin in the affected areas. In rare cases, there may be increased lacrimation of the eyes, high sensitivity to bright light.

There are triggers that can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. These triggers are individual for each person, but the most common are the following: extreme temperature and weather conditions, some types of food (dairy products, chocolate, tomatoes, etc.), alcoholic beverages and caffeinated beverages, some types of medications (creams, antihypertensive agents), menopause, cosmetics.

It is impossible to completely get rid of rosacea, but there is a way to control the course of the disease. One of the methods of control may be the relief of seizures, implying a decrease in the severity of symptoms. In this case, antibacterial therapy and dermatotropic drugs are used. The next way is to prevent exacerbations of the disease, in which the patient needs to reduce the impact of triggers and increase attention to facial skin care. Proper skin care is important, namely the use of sunscreens and special concealers, the exclusion of care cosmetics containing soap, alcohol and other irritating factors, the use of skin softeners, washing with room temperature water.


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