Panic disorder is a type of illness in which there is an increased sense of anxiety and panic attacks. This diagnosis is a severe form of mental disorder that negatively affects a person’s quality of life. With the development of complications, panic disorder can flow into personality disorder due to increased self-isolation, influence on the character and perception of a person. The main symptoms of panic disorder are psychological and somatic. Psychological ones include anxiety without a reason, a feeling of fear, derealization, a sharp change of mood, sleep problems. Somatic symptoms will include chest pain, fainting, suffocation, chills, convulsions.

General anxiety disorder is a type of mental state of a person in which he is able to experience constant anxiety. Prolonged stay of the patient in this state provokes isolation and fear of socialization. The main symptoms of this diagnosis are sudden mood swings, sleep disorders, increased conflict, sweating, rapid pulse, fatigue and weakness.

Phobia disorder is the most numerous categories of anxiety disorders. This includes cases in which fear and anxiety factors are caused by a specific situation. Patients have a premonition of the terrible consequences of meeting the object of their own fear. In the case of being in a state of phobia, people experience palpitations, shortness of breath, trembling, excitement and numbness. The most pronounced phobias are airplane flight, insects, depth, tunnel rooms, elevator.

During the diagnosis, the specialist determines the intensity of the anxiety disorder and assesses the presence and severity of panic states. The treatment prescribed by a psychiatrist is aimed at limiting the symptoms of anxiety and panic disorder and changing the patient’s way of thinking, the characteristics of his character and personality in panic disorder.


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